Place the largest items on the board first including the Manchego, Havarti, and Blue Cheese. Fan out the Manchego slices as they fall naturally. Create a fan pointing into the cheeseboard, rather than outward. As for the Havarti, blue cheese, and goat cheese, on one side of the block, break off the edge so that small crumbles form in front of the cheese, making it appear more natural. Make sure none of the cheese blocks are touching one another
Place crackers onto your board, wherever there is large enough space. Try and create moving lines with the crackers that wind around the cheese blocks.
Place small clusters of red grapes in the remaining portions of empty board space.
Place prosciutto rosettes whenever they feel most natural to place. To create a rosette, pinch the bottom of a slice and twirl the remaining portion around the pinched area. Don’t overthink it. Just keep spinning it until you finish.
Place halved figs onto the board wherever there is room. They lay nicely on top of cheese or crackers.
Finally, sprinkle the marcona almonds into any empty spaces. Think abundance! We want our cheeseboard to look luxurious and overflowing off the edges.