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Strawberry Panna Cotta

Filed in Desserts, Recipes — April 6, 2020

Desserts, Recipes

Panna cotta, or ‘cooked cream,’ in Italian, is a simple but decadent dessert. Heavy cream is best type of dairy for this type of dessert, but it can be made lighter using 2% or another form of milk. Panna cotta is simple, and made with 7 ingredients, in this case. It can be adorned with pistachios, berries, honey, nuts, – any flavor profile you like. In this case, this recipe is topped with honey and strawberries. Nice and light, eaten alongside a plate of french toast in the morning.


  • 1/4 c. water
  • 2  1/4 tsp. gelatin, unflavored
  • 2 c. heavy cream
  • 1/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 4 Tbs. raw honey


  1. Put water in a small bowl along with gelatin. Stir until combined. Let sit.
  2. Heat cream, sugar, and vanilla in a sauce pan over medium heat. Bring to a boil.
  3. Once boiling, reduce heat and add gelatin / water mixture to saucepan.
  4. Mix until gelatin mixture combines into cream.
  5. Pour cream mixture into a glass measuring cup. Then pour into 3 – 4 thin – rimmed glasses.
  6. Put in fridge overnight, or until gelatin mixture forms a solid. (about 4 hours)
  7. When ready to serve, top with 1 Tbs. of honey over each glass, and add a few strawberries (or whatever toppings you prefer!)

for the tilted panna cotta effect, place glasses in a container and tip onto one side, careful not to spill mixture. Allow glass to stay in fridge in this tilted position.

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