Girl Scout cookies are hard to resist. And I love buying a few boxes of Somoas when the season comes around and sticking them in the freezer. But they’re not always available year – round! & They’re not healthy either. So try this healthy Samoa recipe out if you want to snack on these decadent treats year round.

- 1 cup shredded coconut
- 1 cup medijool dates – pitted
- 1/4 c. melted dark chocolate
- 1 tsp. coconut oil
- Toast shredded coconut at 400°F on sheet pan until golden brown. (about 5 minutes)
- Add shredded coconut and dates to a food processor. Mix until combined.
- Form cookie dough into balls. Then flatten into circular cookie shape.
- Using a metal straw, poke holes into the center of each cookie.
- Freeze cookies for 15 minutes.
- Remove cookies from freezer and melt chocolate.
- Dip each cookie into the chocolate and then flip onto a cooking sheet (chocolate side up)
- Put cookies in freezer for 10 more minutes.
- Use remaining melted chocolate and drizzle chocolate over the top.